The Taunton Sinfonietta, Somerset

New season 2020

Dear Supporters,

Another exciting season for the Taunton Sinfonietta starts at the Temple Methodist Church, Taunton on Sunday February 9th at 3 pm, with an eclectic mix of music from three centuries. The Baroque is represented by two famous concerti grossi, in which solo strings contrast with the full orchestra. Sibelius is perhaps best known for his Finlandia and Violin Concerto, but he demonstrates his talent for string writing in the Andante Festivo, a work written to celebrate the anniversary of a sawmills! In the early years of the 20th century, the Spanish composer Joaquin Turína was inspired to write The Bullfighter's Prayer whilst attending such a spectacle in Madrid. I am sure most of you will not approve of the 'sport', but can enjoy the music nonetheless! The main work in this concert is an arrangement for string orchestra of the beautiful String Quartet in G minor by Ralph Vaughan Williams. We hope you will be able to join us on February 9th, and hear about the plans for the rest of the year. All details on the web site
Robin Carpenter, Chairman

What's New



01935 862339
Robin Carpenter
Weavers' Cottage
Hardington Moor
Yeovil, BA22 9NW