The Taunton Sinfonietta, Somerset

Summer Newsletter


Our next concert on Saturday June 8th at 7.30pm is in St James Church, Taunton. Regulars will know that we have been exploring the Concerti Grossi of Albinoni, and another of these gems is on the programme, as well as one of the same genre from Handel's opus 6. Cellist Cris Sampson has arranged the sublime Adagio con Variatzioni by Repighi, originally scored for a full orchestra, which many will probably hear for the first time. The programme is completed by the ever popular, and not so simple (!) Simple Symphony by Benjamin Britten, and the third of Bach's Brandenburg Concerti, this time with a little extra!
Do note the date in your diaries, and please spread the word. Tickets as usual via the web site, from the Taunton Visitor Centre, and on the door.
Robin Carpenter, Chairman.

What's New



01935 862339
Robin Carpenter
Weavers' Cottage
Hardington Moor
Yeovil, BA22 9NW